Monday, March 22, 2010

Quick thoughts! Cheerleading shoes I bought for "Ninja Cheerleaders" now for "Glee"!

People always laugh when actors confess how little they made on a movie or show.

It's true... we're all struggling. We just enjoy those jobs WAY more than the day jobs. ;)

The super fun "Ninja Cheerleaders" was a SAG Low Budget Film, which means many things (I won't get into it, but feel free to ask). We had a problem at the end with our credits (they were part of the deal), but they said they ran out of money, so we understand.

So... I had to buy brand new spankin' white cheer shoes for the movie, which I was happy to do. Reminds me of the time in high school varsity cheer at competition, when I forgot my "official" shoes (only had my very nice "practice" shoes), and my dad drove about an hour or maybe more to bring them to me, only to learn that my coach wouldn't allow me to perform anyway (even hours before our slot).

My very first Sue Sylvester. I am MORE than prepared for this role! Heh.

Anyway... I am using the "Ninja Cheerleaders" shoes for my "Glee" Audition! Woohoo!

That is all. I've already shared too much!

Yay for being GREEN and using "Ninja Cheerleaders" shoes for "Glee"!! ;)

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