Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Glee" Audition Videos are due soon!! Finishing mine today! :)

WOW!! I feel so great! It was a nightmare earlier trying to get the framing and lighting right and all that jazz (not to mention the difficulty of the song both vocally and on piano). Yay for accomplishment.

Screen cap from my "Glee" Audition Video!!! Playing "'Glee' Wannabe" :)

I'm editing the video right now, and soon it will be on MySpace where I am begging you to please go give me a gold star (and tell your friends!). This could be my big break, folks!! :D

Another screen cap from my "Glee" Audition Video!!! Bein' silly ol' me! :)

Okay... back to work. How are YOU doing today??

"Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, who's it gonna be?" :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Glee" Audition "Can't Fight This Feeling" Live Video, Hot Talk LA RULES, PLUS new website design!

I'm changing my website!!! My sister and consultant, Liz, suggested a newspaper design, so I tried my best. :)

Please let me know what you think!!

I have been working nonstop on "Can't Fight This Feeling"!!!

A few nights ago, I had the pleasure of chillin' with some of the Hot Talk LA crew (a very fun crowd), and we found ourselves dominating the stage at the Draft's karaoke night. I felt extra special, because everyone kept bringing me on stage to sing with them!

The DJ even nicknamed me Lil Jon-- "'cause you're on everyone's sh*t!" hahaha!!

Here I am singing my "Glee" Audition Song live at karaoke:

For my actual "Glee" Audition, I'll be playing keyboard while singing!! Oh, boy!!

I'm excited.

Let me know what you think of all my progress!!! I'm workin' hard! And listening to my awesome friends at Hot Talk LA... :)

And how are you? <3

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"'Glee' Wannabe" live acoustic performance! My song about "Glee" Auditions!!!

Here it is! "'Glee' Wannabe"-- a theme song for everyone who wants to be on "Glee"!!!

Please let me know what you think!!! :)

Thank you so much for your support and time!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jacqui Kreisler: talented, beautiful, AMAZING friend, and "Glee" Audition Expert!

In case you don't know about my superstar friend, Jacqui Kreisler is an INSANELY talented dancer, contortionist, actress, and one of the most stunning performers I have ever seen in my entire life (no joke). Think I'm exaggerating?? Check this out:

That's right, I get to be friends with HER!!! Hehee. AND today she was kind enough to share her time with me to talk about my "Glee" Audition, give me some GREAT dance tips, and brighten my world. :)

Since we both love "Glee" so much, we already knew the type of choreography they typically do, so my superstar pal knew exactly what to include in my audition! We even watched "Keep Holding On" (the version from "Glee") a few times, and she has that awesome professional dancer eye that catches little things most of us miss! With Jacqui, I'm always impressed! And I am so happy to have a firm direction for the shoot!!

AND she taught me this super cool kick move to add a little something extra, so hopefully I can master it in time!! :)

With Jacqui in my corner, I feel SUPER extra confident going into filming!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH, JACQUI!!!!!!! Hopefully we'll get to do the live taping next Tuesday so your wonderful presence can add to the energy of the performance!! I love you so much!!! <3

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Glee" Auditions are HERE! "Keep Holding On" is my song! Miley/Avril Mash-up Fun!

Is it just me, or is this year flying by already?

It has been a terrific year so far though! I am really counting my blessings. The outpouring of support for my "Glee" Audition has made a tremendous impact on so many things for me. I can't begin to thank you all enough!

Now that FOX has announced the song list, I've been hard at work singing "Keep Holding On" day in and day out, and completely have it down on guitar. Franko and I worked out the storyline for my audition video, and will shoot some of it next week and the live performance the following week.

While I was working on my audition song, I noticed that "When I Look at You" by Miley Cyrus fits right in, so I arranged a cool mash-up that I will post this week!

Lots and lots of people are getting excited about their "Glee" Auditions, and it's going to be a tough call! I know I'm giving it my best though, and that's all I can ask for! ;)

Thanks again, and please drop me a note if you're reading! Happy Easter!!!!