Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Glee" Audition Videos are due soon!! Finishing mine today! :)

WOW!! I feel so great! It was a nightmare earlier trying to get the framing and lighting right and all that jazz (not to mention the difficulty of the song both vocally and on piano). Yay for accomplishment.

Screen cap from my "Glee" Audition Video!!! Playing "'Glee' Wannabe" :)

I'm editing the video right now, and soon it will be on MySpace where I am begging you to please go give me a gold star (and tell your friends!). This could be my big break, folks!! :D

Another screen cap from my "Glee" Audition Video!!! Bein' silly ol' me! :)

Okay... back to work. How are YOU doing today??

"Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, who's it gonna be?" :)

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