Friday, May 28, 2010

"Glee" Season 3!!! My SNL Musical!! My Comedic Band! Waitin' for "Glee" Audition CALLBACKS!

Hey, all!

How are you? :)

I'm exhausted and fantastic. In this crazy showbiz world, those two always go hand-in-hand! :)

My life lately: still working my great day job, BUT also playing lots of shows with my comedic band, THE RAGING PEANUTS (including at the AWESOME Jon Lovitz Comedy Club at Universal City Hollywood!), and rehearsing the AMAZING Hollywood Musical, "MORE COWBELL!!! An SNL Musical!"

In "GLEE" NEWS... :)

I just got an email from FOX saying that our beloved show has been picked up for a THIRD SEASON!!! They aren't even finished with the first season yet!!!


So exciting.

I am often reminded of one of my favorite shows, "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" (starring the beautiful and amazing Sarah Paulson, a TWITTER FRIEND of my sister, Theresa's!!!!)... I feel like I get to have my very own "Studio 60" with "MORE COWBELL!!! An SNL Musical!"-- it's on Sunset Boulevard as well! :)

That show was incredible... and sadly, it was only given a season (still available on HULU!!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!).

I am SO HAPPY that "Glee" has been embraced by the world the way it is!

Whether or not my "Glee" Audition lands me a callback, I will be watching this show for as long as is it made!!! :)

Oh! Also, catch me in the upcoming season of "MAD MEN" on AMC!!!!!!!!! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Glee" Character Vlog: "Glee" Audition Callbacks, Concert at Jon Lovitz Comedy Club, "Mad Men" Filming, TV Pilot, New "Glee" Song Streaming... Free!

Wow, there has been so much going on lately!!

First off, here is a brand new "Glee" Character Vlog from your favorite future Gleerio!! :)

Mary Sue talks "Glee" Audition Callbacks, Avril Lavigne and Abbey Dawn, Rachel Berry, Julia Roberts, and more!!

If you haven't been there lately, please check out!! You can hear my new single, "'Glee' Wannabe," streaming live for free!! It will be available on iTunes in a week or two!!

I love acting so much... "Glee" has given us all such a beautiful gift. There is nothing more fun for me than being creative, and working on this show is absolutely a dream... THE dream... I'm having the time of my life already, and callbacks haven't even been talked about yet!

I LOVE "GLEE"!!!! :) The latest episode was sheer brilliance, and Chris Colfer deserves an Emmy!


Tomorrow I get to be on "Mad Men," and earlier this week, I worked on a pilot for ABC! I love living in LA!! :)

I even got to attend the screening of "Funny Girl" presented by Ryan Murphy, Dante Di Loreto, and Lea Michele!!! My wonderful friend, Kerry O'Quinn, accompanied me and we had a WONDERFUL time!!

And finally, my comedic band has a concert this upcoming Tuesday at the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club in Universal City, California!! We will play our funny new song about Facebook for the first time in concert!! (We debuted the song on the HotTalkLA Podcast, Langdon Nation!)

Click here for all the info, and message me the names of the people in your party...

I'll put 'em on the guest list and we'll get you ALL in FREE!!!!! :)

Send those messages on... (tambourine rings in)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Glee" Audition Update! The Gleerio Wannabe Hopes for a Callback! :)

Mary Sue updates you on the "Glee" Audition Situation!

In real life, around 30,000 people auditioned for "Glee," and they are currently reviewing submissions. I was super lucky and got a very nice phone call from Rory (I hope I spelled that correctly!) at the "Glee" Casting Office! What an awesome rush!! Mary Sue's not the only one prayin'!! :)

Thank you all so much for the wonderful outpouring of support. I truly hope to make you all proud! It would be awesome for my amazing mom to get to see me on TV every week!! :)

I hope you're all GREAT!

Monday, May 3, 2010

"Glee" Audition News!!!!! Article about ME! :) Also my OFFICIAL "GLEE" AUDITION!

Wow, it sure has been a crazy ride so far-- I'm not ready for it to end!! :) Come on, "Glee" CALLBACKS!!!!

I even got the sweetest call from the "Glee" Casting Office the other day! I feel SO SPECIAL!! Hehee!!!! :) <3

My wonderful friend Jesse wrote this amazing article about me going for "Glee"!!

Click to read the "Glee" Article about ME! :)

And finally... here are some new videos!!! My official "Glee" Audition (where I sing a shortened version of "'Glee' Wannabe" and "Can't Fight This Feeling" while playing guitar and piano) is located here on the "Glee" Audition MySpace!!

"Can't Fight This Feeling" for "Glee" Auditions 2010!

I also got to perform at Prince o' Whales in Playa del Rey recently with Cory (my fellow Raging Peanut) and our hilarious friend, Nice Peter!!

Here is a video of me performing "'Glee' Wannabe" LIVE with a zany bar audience!! :)

A theme song for every "'Glee' Wannabe" out there!!! :)

Millions of thanks to all who came to the show and expressed their support!! I love performing!!! :)

Congratulations to everyone who auditioned for "Glee"!! You all worked hard, and I can't wait to see who ends up on the show!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Glee" Audition Videos are due soon!! Finishing mine today! :)

WOW!! I feel so great! It was a nightmare earlier trying to get the framing and lighting right and all that jazz (not to mention the difficulty of the song both vocally and on piano). Yay for accomplishment.

Screen cap from my "Glee" Audition Video!!! Playing "'Glee' Wannabe" :)

I'm editing the video right now, and soon it will be on MySpace where I am begging you to please go give me a gold star (and tell your friends!). This could be my big break, folks!! :D

Another screen cap from my "Glee" Audition Video!!! Bein' silly ol' me! :)

Okay... back to work. How are YOU doing today??

"Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, who's it gonna be?" :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Glee" Audition "Can't Fight This Feeling" Live Video, Hot Talk LA RULES, PLUS new website design!

I'm changing my website!!! My sister and consultant, Liz, suggested a newspaper design, so I tried my best. :)

Please let me know what you think!!

I have been working nonstop on "Can't Fight This Feeling"!!!

A few nights ago, I had the pleasure of chillin' with some of the Hot Talk LA crew (a very fun crowd), and we found ourselves dominating the stage at the Draft's karaoke night. I felt extra special, because everyone kept bringing me on stage to sing with them!

The DJ even nicknamed me Lil Jon-- "'cause you're on everyone's sh*t!" hahaha!!

Here I am singing my "Glee" Audition Song live at karaoke:

For my actual "Glee" Audition, I'll be playing keyboard while singing!! Oh, boy!!

I'm excited.

Let me know what you think of all my progress!!! I'm workin' hard! And listening to my awesome friends at Hot Talk LA... :)

And how are you? <3

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"'Glee' Wannabe" live acoustic performance! My song about "Glee" Auditions!!!

Here it is! "'Glee' Wannabe"-- a theme song for everyone who wants to be on "Glee"!!!

Please let me know what you think!!! :)

Thank you so much for your support and time!