Monday, February 22, 2010

So excited to play my new song, "Glee Wannabe" and Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" LIVE in concert tomorrow in LA!

Wow, so much is happening!!

Tomorrow (Monday) night, I will be performing live in concert at Ireland's 32 in Van Nuys, California!! It's a free show, and I will play solo songs as well as fun stuff with my bandmate, Cory Pearman. The Raging Peanuts is a comedic band, so expect to laugh!!

We open the show, so come around 9! It's going to be a lot of fun!

I've written a very fun song called "Glee Wannabe" that will debut at the show!! Here's a sneak peek at some of the lyrics (don't worry, I've already taken care of the copyright):

"Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee,
who's it gonna be?
Who will be cast?
Is it gonna be me?

Glee, Glee, Glee,
we're all Glee Wannabes,
but I just gotta be on Glee.

Hey there, Mr. Ryan Murphy,
please, please, please
pay attention to me.

I love your show,
wanna help it grow.
Please put me on Glee..."

And, of course, we will be performing our acoustic arrangement of Ke$ha's "Tik Tok," which we recently recorded with our good friend, Nice Peter. He is currently mastering the file, so it will be available online very soon! :)

Then I get to jet off to Michigan for a week to see my family and friends!!

We will also be filming parts of my Glee Audition Video on location at Gull Lake High School! Lots of cool cheerleading tricks and whatnot. It's going to be awesome.

"Glee Wannabe" will be available as an mp3 very soon, but recording will have to wait until I return from Michigan.

I can't thank you all enough for your wonderful support!!!!! 2010, baby!

"We're all Glee Wannabes, but I just gotta be on Glee!"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jazzed up my blog's main picture a bit! :)

Ah, Sue Sylvester. I look forward to learning from you. :)

Jane Lynch as well. YOU are a GENIUS.

"Glee" makes me feel so inspired!!

I can't wait to go film my audition video on location in Michigan! And, OF COURSE, hang out with my SUPER AWESOME AND AMAZING family!!!!!!

My sister, Liz, is going to help me (and we have done MANY awesome videos in the past and she's my "twin"-- check out my other blog for more info!). Maybe we could even get to Ohio for a minute... PS-- Cedar Point is THE BEST and if I got tickets as a Cheerio Perk, I would NEVER sell them on eBay for a profit!!

Haha, back to reality. My lovely friend from Gull Lake High School who now lives here in Los Angeles with me, Ashley Pierson, might have a camera/tripod/mic hook-up for us to borrow in Michigan!!! Funny how that works, eh? Liz told me to put it out into the universe via Twitter and Facebook and I did! She always knows just what to do. My sisters are like my Jack Donaghys. Or is it hies? Haha.

Ashley... YAAAAY!!!! :) Thank you, my darling!!! I really hope you can make it on Monday. It always warms my heart to see you and chat with you!!!

And all of YOU are invited to my free concert on Monday as well!! Check out the picture for info. Cory and I are playing some solo songs as well as a couple Raging Peanuts Songs!!!

I'm going to debut my new song, "Glee Wannabe," which isn't technically finished yet, but it will be. Haha. ;)

The Raging Peanuts will be debuting our acoustic arrangement of "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha!!! It'll be a lot of fun.

We're playing with our good friends, Papafoam, who were so kind to invite us to play-- THANK YOU!!! I can't wait to see you guys perform again. I had SO much fun the last time we played a bill together, and this one is going to be even more rad! 29 Mules is also playing, and introducing Short Cut! Exciting. :)

See ya there?

Friday, February 12, 2010

"You think this was hard? Try auditioning for 'Baywatch' and being told they're going in another direction. That was hard." --Sue Sylvester, "Glee"

I want to begin by saying a great, big THANKS to all my wonderful friends out there for all your support on Facebook, Twitter, in person, and all that jazz!! This is so wonderful, and you are all making me feel more and more like one of these 3 roles is mine for the taking! THANK YOU!!! :)

I've been doing a LOT of character development these past couple weeks, as well as working on my songs (although they still may change). My sisters have been insanely helpful, and Katya is going to do some PR work for me!! I am so blessed. :)

So my character (for auditioning purposes) is "Mary Sue" (my real name)! Her last name will be "Palmer," an ode to my neighbors growing up in Michigan. :)

Her nickname can be Masupa just like mine (first 2 letters of each name), which can make her "Glee" nickname, "MASUPASTAR!!!" :) I can just see them saying my nickname excitedly once they welcome me into New Directions!

She will be the new girl, a star cheerleader and performer from her high school in Michigan, Mary Sue is eager to show everyone at William McKinley High School what she's got!!

Once she becomes a Cheerio (which won't take long), she quickly bonds with Sue Sylvester over their names and thirst for the spotlight, but is always brimming with good intentions and a healthy dose of naïveté.

So exciting!

Much more to come...

I went back to sleep for several hours.

"Put it in there."

"Worlds are colliding!"

Oy, the stress.

Wish I had time to sleep.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Glee Audition Information

In case you don't know already, you may be able to audition for "Glee" as well! The process is so much fun! :)

You will find information as if becomes available on FOX's website for "Glee" Auditions.

Break a leg and keep in touch as you work on your audition! No competitive weirdness here-- just a fellow actor/singer having a great time. :)

New Glee Poster 2010!

Here is my unofficial "Glee" poster again, color-corrected this time by the fabulous photographer Suzanne Zizzi (the part that's me, haha). Then I played with Macromedia Fireworks for a bit. My character and I are both computer nerds. ;P

Oh, "Glee"!

"It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine." --Wayne, "Wayne's World" (one of the best movies ever)... and ME!

Talking "Glee" Auditions and Enjoying Vegan Pasta with Denny Brooks!

Today has been fantastic! I feel as if things are moving forward in very positive ways, and I have each and every one of you to thank for that! All my fans from over the years, Twitter Followers, people I've met in school or at day jobs, you have all given me something special, and I want to thank you for that! :)

The fabulous Denny Brooks, who happens to be my neighbor and one of my best friends, came over tonight for Masupa's Favorite Pasta (my signature vegan recipe) and to chat about life, voice-over, "Glee" auditions, headshots, agents, music, Ivana Chubbuck's Master Acting Class, and all sorts of other fun stuff. We had a blast!

"This food is righteous, and I love it more than life... what a meal! Mmm!" --Denny Brooks

Thank you so much for all your advice, Denny. I promise I won't let you down!!

We figured out all sorts of things about my "Glee" character, Mary Louise. I can't wait to share her with you!! Just a few more days of development, and I'll post some video!

Gee, I'm excited. As Theresa says, I am "positively gleeful"! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Very First Glee Poster! Haha.

I just made this to pep myself up a bit, and thought you'd get a kick out of it! The photo of me isn't even color-corrected from the photographer yet, so maybe I'll make a better version of this later. Cute, huh? :)

The Next Glee Cast Member -- Ready to Work!!

My sister told me, plain and simple, "You are the next 'Glee' cast member."

I'm starting to believe it.

Today I spent a lot of time in front of the mirror, completely immersed in the character I am creating for my "Glee" audition video.

She is a lot like me. Quite nerdy, a little awkward, but tends to make people laugh when they let her talk. Living just above the poverty line, but determined and crafty. She's shy, but opens her heart on stage and fills the room with her talent.

She's a former band nerd, who worked her booty off (gymnastics, home stretching and such) in order to become one of the amazing Cheerios. I am on the lookout for a uniform to wear in my audition video.

Always a quiet outsider, my "Glee" character has a big heart, and is dying for a friend to spoil. Rachel is her hero, a beam of light inspiring her to work harder than anyone to achieve her goals. This causes constant worry over upsetting Rachel (she's the star, after all!), which is part of the reason why she has yet to join the Glee Club!

She also blogs and vlogs... :D

I've written a good portion of my "Glee" audition script through improv. I will likely incorporate both scripted narrative and improv in my final audition video. Today, I started thinking about my character's goals.

She would say, "I want an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, a Tony... and maybe even one of those MTV Awards. As they say on '30 Rock,' I'm 'EGOTTING'!!"

The Cheerios subplot is equally important. She still feels like an outsider there, although she is their star flier and one of the most flexible girls on the team.

Not only is she disliked because she is neither popular nor rich, but there is also a secret event that will be revealed in the video. She wasn't trying to upset anyone, but became the center of controversy while trying to do something good for the world.

You be the judge!

I also feel that her addition to both the Cheerios and New Directions, with her big, big heart, will help other characters on "Glee" to grow in organic ways as well! Coolness. :)

Back to the Cheerios part of the audition video!!

Any suggestions on particular stunts/tumbling/cheers? I'm thinking a few jumps, a kick, roundoffs and cartwheels into the splits. Then a big surprise only my sisters and acting coach get to know. ;)

I'm SO excited, and having so much fun!!

Elisabeth Pascoe, my official consultant on all affairs related to my career and specifically PR, came up with the most brilliant 2 songs for my audition (It's "Glee"-- I have to do a mash-up!!).

And my oldest sister, Theresa Pascoe, is going to arrange the mash-up for me! She has a BRILLIANT musical mind, so this will turn out even better than if I had done so myself! It also gives me more time to work on the vocals!!

I can't wait to work more on this! So... I will not wait! Back to more character development and improv! I live for this stuff!!! :)